Audio file
10. 2. 2018 – 20.00
"if you listen to the new Kendrick Lamar record "not on shuffle" there's a really good message there."
Vir: Naslovnica
23. 9. 2017 – 19.00
Please leave all shiny objects behind You won't need them where we're going
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27. 6. 2017 – 12.00
Klubski maraton 2017, novitete, pregled sezone in obširno o poletnih festivalih.
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30. 5. 2017 – 12.00
Mono Scarves, Borka, launch kompilacija, KM17
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21. 3. 2017 – 12.00
Random Logic, Martin Ramoveš, N'toko, Borghesia
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16. 3. 2017 – 18.00
Pogovor pred bližajočimi se nastopi...
Vir: Naslovnica
12. 3. 2017 – 19.00
Ropeadope Sur, 2016
Vir: Naslovnica
13. 2. 2017 – 19.00
Najpomembnejša plošča nove Weyes Blood
Vir: Festival Ment
6. 2. 2017 – 14.30
MEent 2017
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31. 1. 2017 – 12.00
MENT 2017, Ichisan, Šuljo, Lifecutter, Svinjske Tačke
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3. 1. 2017 – 12.00
Dvojna izdaja založbe Kamizdat: Kikiriki in Lifecutter, Noč, pregled neizpostavljenih izdaj leta 2016.
25. 12. 2016 – 13.00
Jernej Butara
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17. 12. 2016 – 20.00
Keith Emerson 1944 - 2016, Greg Lake 1947 - 2016
2. 12. 2016 – 14.30
V Siti Teatru so Moonlight Sky predstavili svoj četrti album
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29. 11. 2016 – 20.00
DžeZZva, Moonlight Sky, Kombo B, Salonski, Your Gay Thoughts
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15. 11. 2016 – 20.00
Domen Gnezda, Vlaknasta, The Ghen, Menendes Brothers, MENTprizent, Persons From Porlock
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25. 10. 2016 – 20.00
Rodoljubac, Boring Couple, pogovor s Klubskimi maratonci, Milko Lazar in festival Neposlušno 2016.
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18. 10. 2016 – 20.00
Rad bi bil normalen 2016, .čunfa, Muzikačaka, koncert solidarnosti "HOČ´M LAJF"