Vir: Janushoved
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12. 7. 2024 – 19.00
Danski ambient kot zvočna kulisa za trpljenje v vročinskem valu
Vir: NARA and DVIDS public arhive domain
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31. 5. 2024 – 17.00
Kako Danska pod pretvezo prenapolnjenih zaporov na Balkan izvaža svojo antimigrantsko politiko
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21. 11. 2023 – 22.00
Kovinska disharmonija
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12. 9. 2023 – 22.00
Ni vse metal, kar hrešči
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4. 7. 2023 – 22.00
Velikani težke glasbe zdravijo predfestivalsko depresijo.
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13. 6. 2023 – 22.00
Jupitrovo drobovje v glasbeni obliki
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13. 12. 2022 – 22.00
Black metal, kot se spodobi za mrzel december
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8. 11. 2022 – 22.00
Težke novitete domačega in tujega izvora
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16. 8. 2022 – 22.00
Muzika bendov letošnje Črne Šagre + Pneuma Hagion, Castrator, Fugitive, Slowjoint, Nightfeeder, Grotesqueries
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5. 7. 2022 – 22.00
10,000 Years, Axioma, Chaotian, Mock Execution, Ohyda, Scumslaught, Verberis in Krallice
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31. 5. 2022 – 22.00
Abysmalist, Cosmic Putrefaction, Chat Pile, Coilguns, Clairvoyance, Phrenelith, Primitive Man ...
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19. 4. 2022 – 22.00
Analepsy, Nightfell, Beyond Mortal Dreams, Konvent, Concilivm, Pharmacist, Bloodgate ...
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12. 4. 2022 – 22.00
LVA, Ultha, Beyond the Grasp of Light, Shrouded Infinity, Hell Militia, Tugt in Terzij de Horde [+sladkiš]
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9. 3. 2022 – 9.00
Igričarski konglomerat prevzel glasbeno platformo Bandcamp
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14. 12. 2021 – 22.00
Reveal!, Zmarłym, Malignant Altar, Hope Drone, The Temple, Phrenelith, Spaceslug ...
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23. 11. 2021 – 22.00
Cadaveric Fumes, Gravenchalice, Civerous, Gold Spire, Reveal!, Der Weg einer Freiheit ...
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2. 11. 2021 – 22.00
Sulphurous, Conjureth, Primeval Well, Sunless, Slimelord, Necrofier, Slabdragger, Thin, Kayo Dot, Worm
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12. 10. 2021 – 22.00
Krzta, Norse, Bøg, Putrid Evil, Venefixion, Fustilarian, Of The Wand & The Moon, Veilburner ...
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28. 9. 2021 – 22.00
Intervju z Dickless Tracy + Okl's FruitLoops, Noroth, LLNN & A Thousand Sufferings
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7. 9. 2021 – 22.00
Sulphurous, Codex Nero, Hooded Menace, Deprivacija, Wharflurch, Sermon of Flames, Ænigmatum ...
Vir: Naslovnica
16. 7. 2021 – 19.00
Debitantski album
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6. 7. 2021 – 22.00
Perilaxe Occlusion, Carcass, Kollapse, Drawn and Quartered, Diabolizer, Mosara, Purification ...
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26. 1. 2021 – 22.00
Doom n death večer za vse starosti
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17. 11. 2020 – 22.00
Vrnitev mračnih simfonikov